Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 6 Reading

Chapter 10 was all about goodwill towards the user. Basically I learned that you need to make things easy for the user to find and make sure you include infomation that the user could be looking for. If I have a question about something make sure that I can find it. It is also a good idea to make sure that while I am using the website that if i need infomation do not ask me for infomation that You don't really need. People do not like having to fill out forms that ask for infomation that is not needed for the task at hand.

Chapter 11 was about accessablitiy for websites. As a programer it is important to remember that a website needs to be accessable to people with disabilities. Not designeing to planing for htem and believing that the users who have disabilities are not going to use your website is a No-No. If the website is confusing to people who do not have disabilities it is goign to be confusing to peopel who so have disabilities to make not confusing. Use CCS and html as opposed to things such as flash or tables for webpage layout. Tings to also remember use alt image tags, properly label forms using HTML, have skip to main content links a the top of everypage, make all the content accessable using the keyboard and not the mouse, avoid things like javascript and do not use server side image maps.

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