Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 7 Reading

Chapter 12 is about when the client wants to to make bad design decisions. Things such as animation, splash pages asking for too much info ect.

It is important that people do nto want to fil out forms. When they do they just want to fill out the least amount of infomation they can. If you ask for too much info people will lie to you and will send you incomplete forms. keep it simple and short and you will get more responces. On an upside it will make the client look better because they are nto asking the user to fil out too much infomation.

Also pizzazz is almost never a good thing. web sites do not need the pizzazz, sizzle or flash to them. Users normally just want to get the infomation they need and get out. Adding all the extra stuff just takes them longer to do that and angers them. Of course there are exceptions to the rules such as webpages that are suppose to be fun such as entertainment, branding and protfolio websites.

Of course it is possible to still work these ideas into a webpage and have them be usable. Remember that clients have a reason they are asking for the bad ideas and its our job as designers to figure out why they are asking them and come up with a better solution.

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