Thursday, September 5, 2013

Unit 8: How People Feel

72: Joy, sadness, contempt, fear, disgust, surprise and anger are the 7 basic emotions which are universal to human beings and are represented by facial and physical gestures. People are able to tell between real and fake emotions when looking at photographs.

73: The emotions used in a design can be associated with the product/service being sold. Avoiding negative emotions in a design will avoid a negative association with a service/product. Since people tend to mimic other people's emotions using positive emotions will influence the audience in a positive way.

74: If people have an emotion associated with memory or information they tend to remember it better. Using actual video testimony will provide a better association with the viewer. Since people remember information in story form better, using anecdotes will help people remember it better.

75: People associate memories and smells very closely. Associating a smell with information will cause a person to recall the information when they smell it.

76: People like the unexpected, being surprised and look forward to it. That means that new things are exciting to people and capture their attention. Not all surprises are exciting or good.

77: People like to be doing something, they do not like to be doing nothing. However whatever people are doing it has to be worth their time.

78: People emote with pastoral scenes, it makes them happy.

79: Design can not always determine if something is trustworthy. Websites that are owned by respected and well known companies are trusted more. No amount of good design can change and option of a untrustworthy site. People do however look at design first.

80: People like music a lot and the pleasure and their brains release dopamine. Music however is very specific to a person's taste. Allowing for a person to personalize music on a website can cause them to want to use it more.

81: People like to be challenged, and when they complete the challenge it leaves them feeling of accomplishment. This also includes exclusivity.

82: People are not good at estimating future events nor their reactions to them. They tend to over estimate.

83: When using a website, people will feel more positive before or after they are using a webpage than during. It is best to get a reaction to a webpage after time has passed instead of right after.

84: People look for comfort or something familiar when they are sad, hurt or scared. Positive experiences with a brand are associated with safety, and thus are a comfort.

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