Thursday, May 12, 2011

Week 1 Reading Response

The introduction was pretty basic. The writer who is a usability expert, basically stated who the book was written for, People like my self who are not usability experts but are spending the time creating and designeing webpages.

Chapter 1 was also pretty simple. He kept hitting home the fact that the eaiser it is to use something the more people are going to be inclined to use it. Somthing that is hard to use is is not going to be used. He also kept talking about the choices we use for wording for buttons and links. Keeping it simple in its most simple form allows for users to make quick decisions with out having to think about what the link means.

Chapter 2 states how we spend very little time looking at each webpage and only look for the info we want. Instructions do not help as most people ingnore them and just start by guessing. He also states that if people are going to treat the web like a giant billboard then design as one.

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