Thursday, May 12, 2011

Week 2 Reading Response

Chapter 3: Make the more important things stand out. Visually relate things that are related infomation wise to each other it includes nesting of objects and info. Web conventions are important because the are something that the user is already used to. Go with them, do not reinvent the wheel. Make it clear what is clickable and what is not. Keep things simple, declutter them, make them less busy.

Chapter 4: It is not impotant how many clicks on a webpage it takes you to get where you are going but how much thought you need to put into the choices of what to click on. treat people as if they are stupid or mindless. If it is something the user has to think about they make make a bad choice.

Chapter 5: Keep your writting simple. If there is info there that doesn't need to be there, take it out. It reduces noise, makes your content more revelent, and reduces the size of the page allowing users to read it faster. Remove all introduction from the main page. its useless and people skip over it. Remove instructions on your website, if instructions are needed the design is not working.

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