Thursday, May 12, 2011

Week 3 Reading Response

Chapter 6: States that in life we are given directions on where to go such as in a store. Stores have way finding systems, the web does not. SOme people are browsers and click on links while others are searchers and will use the search field almost right away. Navigation needs to be simple as possible going from general to specific. Make sure the user can tell where they are on the website. leave some kind of marker to tell them what page they are on. sorta like a street sign. Perstant navigation, global navigation is a good way to let users know where they are except for hompepages and forms. Make it easy to get to the begining again. have a home button or link the logo to the hompage. Make sure to tell people what they are searching for if you include a search, such as the webpage, this website, for a specific item such as a book or the whole internet.

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