Thursday, July 25, 2013

Project Two Proposal: Pernack Factor Architects (Rough, version one)

Pernack Factor Architects (owned by Michael Pernack)

Pernack Factor Architects was founded in in 1975 by Michael Pernack in Seattle, WA. In 1986 PFA moved to Issaquach, WA. PFA is run out of Michael's home office and services the greater Seattle area. PFA specializes in the design of new homes, additions, renovations and remodels. With the recent downturn in the economy PFA has been focusing more on new additions, renovations and remodels.

Pernack Factor Architects has a very old and dated corporate identity and completely lacks any form of web presence. Getting proper sized images for the webpage.

To create an updated an updated identity to bring PFA into the 2010's and to create an up to dated parallax webpage along with a presence on the internet.

PFA is run, owned and operated by Michael Pernack . He has his personal identity tied to the company and has a hard time separating the two. His current business cabinet features an architectural drawing of his house with a little red convertible parked out front. Creating a parallax webpage that can show off his work.

Week1: Project proposal written and research started and starting to gather images.
Week2: More research conducted about parallax, images gathered, revising project proposal if needed, begin case study.
Week3: Case study created, sketches created for logo, begin framework for webpage.
Week4: Preliminary creation of logo, cabinet and webpage.
Week5: Refinement of logo, cabinet and webpage.

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