Thursday, July 25, 2013

Project 1 Proposal: Grassroots Motorsports (version two with schedule)

Grassroots Motorsports (owned by Motorsport Marketing Inc.)

GRM was first published in 1984. Unlike other magazines GRM is only published 8 times a year instead of the traditional 12 times a year or once a month model. GRM main message is everyone can have fun racing for a small amount of money. They often have reviews of cars, how to modify them (especially how to modify them yourself), driving techniques, event coverage of amateur racing sports such as; Autocross, Rally, Road Racing. GRM also has many articles devoted to projects cars either owned by the magazine or their staff. The projects cars are often modified in several steps with different focus for each installment such as engine modifications, suspension modifications, etc. Their most famous car called the rotospit which is a Triumph Spitfire that had a rotary engine from a Mazda RX-7 installed in it.

Grassroots Motorsports's Logo and Website are antiquated. The Logo has never been updated and the website looks as if it were created in the 90's. While the info on the website is updated the look and navigation of the website is old.

To create an updated website and logo for GRM that will increase their readership. Updating the website will also allow for it to be used by portable devices increasing readership.

Since GRM has been using the same logo for so long, changing it too much may cause readers to not be able to find the magazine leading to lower sales. If the logo is too distant from the DIY readers of the magazine it may anger their readers and cause them to abandon the magazine leading to a drop in sales. Care must be taken to update the logo to capture the speed and power associated with racing with out removing the DIY feeling the magazine has.

Week1: Decision of the client along with the scope of the project and proposal written.
Week2: Research conducted, revised project proposal, begin case study.
Week3: More research conducted, case study created, sketches created for logo.
Week4: Preliminary creation of logo and webpage.
Week5: Refinement of logo and webpage.

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