Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Unit Two: How People Read

13) Capital letters are not harder to read, we are just used to reading in lowercase/mixed case more. If we were to read more in upper case we would read it faster. We only read 7-9 letters in that are in quick sharp jumps. The jumps are very short at about 250 milliseconds, so short that we do not even really register it. We also perceive all caps as shouting, as such they used to get attention.

14) People can read something but it does not always mean they understand what they are reading.  When people read they do not really look at the letters in the word they anticipate the word. We anticipate the words based on our previous knowledge. Headlines are important, they let us know what will be coming. Use simple words and less syllables, they make it easier for your audience to remember and understand.

15) There is not one font that is easier to read over the another. Our brains recognize the shape of the letter no matter the font. Fonts tend to evoke moods and feelings. Fonts that are hard to read such as decorative or unusual harder to understand the text.

16) A small typeface can be hard to read. If a typeface has a larger x-height, it will appear to be larger and will also look larger and better on screens.

17) Computer screens are hard to read than paper. Larger sized typefaces make it easier to read text on screen. Break up text into small amounts by suing short paragraphs, bullets and pictures. Make sure there is a lot of contrast between the background and the letters.

18) People like short line lengths but actually read faster when the line length is longer.

Saccade: Are the quick sharp jumps both of our eyes make as we scan things.
Fixation: The moment between saccades where our eyes stop moving.

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