Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thesis Response 2

The second thesis I choose to look at was Aeson Chen's on Cultural Fusion in Brand Strategy.
 I have been looking at more and more thesis that have to do with cultural translation. There are several reasons for this. As a child I always loved cartoons, and vowed to become an animator when I grew up. This lasted well into high school, however by then it was the late 90's and anime was beginning to take off. I became obsessed with anime and Japanese culture. In my first college go (I earned my Associate in Graphic Design) , I took a Japanese language course (very little stuck), I learned a lot of the culture from a 1st gen Japanese American Man. Eventually my obsession with anime faded but I never got over the differences in the cultures and they way we perceive things. As an adult I have noticed how people see things, instead of how they really are. I have noticed this across the United States. Moving from Michigan to Washington, I have noticed things are different for me. How people perceive Michigan and such.
 Reading Aeson's thesis, reminded me of this. I like how it is pointed out that some things as long as you remain truthful to the original inspiration will benefit you in the long run.

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