Sunday, August 11, 2013

Thesis Response Three and Four

Thesis Response Three

I am reviewing Nichole June's
Adaptation Strategies to Contemporary Multiculturalism in Representation
 Nichole's thesis spoke about Sub-cultures and how a sub-culture can be used to a designer's advantage to speak to people in those sub-cultures. It also speaks about how sometimes, something that is very popular in one sub-culture may not translate into another. An example in the paper of the Australian tourism who use the phrase "Where in the bloody hell are you" being used in the U.K. The English took offence to seeing the use of profanity in print on billboards by using bloody. The campaign completely missed.


Thesis Response Four
I choose to look at Elena Aryshtaeva's thesis "Celebration of Regional Typology in a context of contemporary advertising.
 Her thesis focused on how there are different cultures based on their location within the United States and the preconceived stereotypes we have about them. It also states how advertisers need be aware of and pay attention to the local regional differences. However at the same time she also talks about how the regional differences are not necessary true but are instead about lifestyle. Over all her thesis states that American culture is always changing, and regional stereotypes are not accurate but is instead defined by lifestyle.
 I agree that there are differences within the country. I however do not agree with that it is defined by lifestyle, region plays a greater role that most will imagine. I also believe that it can be broken down even further to smaller regions.

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