Monday, August 12, 2013

Unit 4: How People Think

27) Break large amounts of information into multiple pages. First tell them about the different subjects. On the next page give more information about the subject but just enough to get the gist of the idea. Finally give them all the information on the final page. It makes it easier for people to remember the information and process it so they do not get overloaded.
28) Some things require more thought than others and we perceive that it is harder based on that. Breaking up processes into more, smaller steps. It makes the process seem easier and faster. Do not make buttons too small, it makes it harder to click which makes people mad. Basically try to make people think less, it makes it easier.
29) People do not focus as much as they think they do, their minds wander. By using lots of hyperlinks it will allow people's minds to wander in a productive way. Also make it easy for people to find their way back to the original information.
30) People are hard headed when it comes to their beliefs, trying to change their beliefs is difficult. To get someone to change their mind, start with something small and build from there. Do not challenge a person's belief, it can make them more stubborn and backfire on you losing them as an audience. People who are on the fence about an issue or topic will in turn argue harder for that subject as opposed to someone who already had those beliefs.
31) A mental model is the way a person does something. It is based on past experiences and thus no one has the exact same mental model.
32) Do not let technology dictate how something works. Instructions and training are needed when introducing someone to something new and there is no previous mental or conceptual model for it.
33) Stories get people's attention and it makes it easier for people to process information, remember it and find it more interesting to the viewer.
34) People learn best by example, use images or even video to show people not just words.
35) The human brain likes to create groups or categories. Put like information into categories.
36) Time goes faster when people do not pay attention to it. By providing a time line or stating how long something takes it lets the user know how long something will take. Braking things up into smaller portions make it seem faster too.
37) There are many different ways to be creative. Some types of creativity can be designed for, others can not.
38) Flow states are natural occurrences where someone focuses on what they are doing and everything else take a back seat to what they are doing. To create a flow state design a process where the user has control over the actions, break things up into smaller stages so they feel like they are achieving goals, reduce or eliminate distractions, and give feedback to the user. People like being in flow states.
39) People from different cultures think differently. People from the east tend to look at backgrounds of images more while people from the west tend to focus on objects.
 goal-gradient effect - The closer someone gets to a goal the harder they try to achieve the goal.
 operant conditioning - The process of training someone on how to use something.
 dopamine - The chemical in our brain which brings pleasure.

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