50: When people are close to finishing a task or completing a goal they become more motivated to finish it. People like being part of a reward program for a business. They tend to be nicer, happier and in turn spend more money. Once a reward is reached people's motivation goes down, multi tiered reward programs fail because once a person reaches the 1st tier their motivation disappears. Customers may stop using a service once a reward is reached.
51: Rewards need to be something that people really want.
52: People like to learn and are motivated to do so.
53: Associating sounds with information can motivated people to seek out information, much like Pavlov's Dog. Baiting a person with a little bit of information will cause people to seek out more info. People respond to the unpredictability of receiving information , it give them a dopamine high.
54: Tangible rewards are not the only thing that motivates people. More intangible rewards such as feeling good will motivate people.
55: Having something that people enjoy and interact with other than just money related will cause people to revisit a website more often. Showing a users their process for a task will motivate them to complete the task more. People are motivated my mastering a task/skill. It give them a feeling of accomplishment however true mastery can never truly be accomplished.
56: People who delay gratification are able to resist temptation more. People who are good at delaying gratification learned to do so at a young age.
57: People tend to work smart not hard, meaning they will do the least amount of work possible to accomplish their goal. Often times that means the work is good enough rather than the best possible job being done. Websites need to be made so they can be scanned instead of read. People will tend to scan webpages to get what they want instead of reading everything to get what they want.
58: People only use shortcuts if they are easy to use. If there are default make sure they are easy to chance and fix other wise it will make more work for the user and turn them away.
59: People tend to base what happens on a person's personality instead of the situation however when people explain what happens they always explain it was the situation instead of their personality.
60: Complex tasks are hard to do, make them simple. Simple tasks can become habits.
61: People are more motivated to succeed when they are competing against fewer people. The same holds true for not enough competition.
62: People like to do things by themselves with very little outside help and do them their way.
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